California employees & job applicants

Woman with her child using ECOS dish soap

Privacy Notice to California Employees & Job Applicants

根据加州消费者隐私法(“CCPA”),维纳斯实验室公司., dba Earth Friendly Products (“Company” hereinafter, “we”, “our”, (或“我们”)可能会收集个人信息,并将其用于本《十大彩票网赌平台》下文所述的某些商业目的. 我们必须向加州“消费者”披露以下有关我们收集其个人信息的信息. Under the CCPA, “consumers” means California residents, including job applicants, employees or contractors of a business.


We will not sell the personal information, including any sensitive personal information, 我们收集员工或求职者的信息,或与第三方分享,用于跨上下文行为广告.

To view our full privacy policy, please visit

我们可能会收集下表所列的个人信息类别. 我们从我们的员工和求职者那里收集信息, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or device (“personal information”). 特别是,公司可能已经收集了以下类别的 personal information 在过去的十二(12)个月内从其员工或求职者处获得的信息:


Personal Information Category

Business Purpose

Identifiers, such as your full name, contact information, gender, date of birth, signature, Social Security number, driver’s license or state identification numbers, and similar information for your dependents and beneficiaries.

  • Recruit and process employment applications, 包括核实雇佣资格,进行背景和相关调查
  • Conduct employee onboarding
  • 维护和管理工资和员工福利计划,包括登记和索赔处理
  • 维护人事记录并遵守记录保存要求
  • 为员工提供人力资源管理服务和员工数据维护与支持服务
  • 与员工及其紧急联系人和计划受益人沟通
  • Comply with applicable state and federal labor, employment, tax benefits, workers’ compensation, disability, equal employment opportunity, workplace safety, and related laws
  • Prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Company property, including information systems, electronic devices, network, and data
  • Ensure employee productivity and adherence to Company policies
  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of Firm policy
  • 响应执法要求,并根据适用法律或法院命令的要求
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents


加州客户记录雇佣和个人信息, such as your name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, photograph, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, current employment, employment history, membership in professional organizations, licenses and certifications, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial, medical or health insurance information.

  • Same purposes as for identifiers category


受加州或联邦法律保护的分类特征, such as age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, reproductive health decision making, military and veteran status, 或遗传信息(包括家族遗传信息).


  • 遵守联邦和州平等就业机会法
  • 设计、实施和推广公司的多元化和包容性项目
  • Perform workforce analytics, data analytics, and benchmarking
  • 进行内部审计,投诉和涉嫌违反公司政策的行为
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents


Commercial information,例如交易信息、购买历史记录和财务详细信息.

  • 响应执法要求,并根据适用法律或法院命令的要求


Biometric information, such as facial recognition, fingerprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, or other physical patterns, and certain wellness metrics.

  • 在初次录用后采集指纹以进行犯罪背景调查. Criminal background checks protect the company, mitigate risk, and avoid potential negligent hiring lawsuits
  • Administer and design health wellness programs
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents


Internet or other similar network activity information, 包括公司信息系统上的所有活动(如互联网浏览历史), search history, intranet activity, email communications, social media postings, stored documents and emails, usernames, 和密码)以及通信系统的所有活动(比如电话), call logs, voicemails, text messages, chat logs, app use, mobile browsing and search history, mobile email communications, 以及其他有关员工使用公司设备的信息).

  • 促进公司信息系统的有效和安全使用
  • 确保遵守公司信息系统的政策和程序.
  • Comply with applicable state and federal laws
  • Prevent unauthorized access to, use, or disclosure or removal of the Company’s property, records, data, and information
  • Enhance employee productivity
  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of Firm policy
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents

Geolocation data,例如与使用互联网网站、应用程序有关的时间和物理位置.

  • Improve safety of employees, customers, 以及公众使用公司财产和设备的情况
  • 防止未经授权的访问、使用或丢失公司财产
  • Improve efficiency, logistics, and supply chain management
  • 确保员工的生产力并遵守公司的政策
  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of the Company’s policy

Sensory and surveillance data例如与COVID-19相关的体温检查以及通话监控和视频监控.

  • 遵守适用的州和联邦法律,包括工作场所健康和安全法律
  • 防止未经授权的访问、使用或丢失公司财产
  • Improve customer service
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents

Professional or employment-related information, such as employment application information (work history, academic and professional qualifications, educational records, references, and interview notes, background check, drug testing results, work authorization, performance and disciplinary records, salary, bonus, commission, and other similar compensation data, benefit plan enrollment, participation, and claims information, leave of absence information including religious, military and family obligations, health data concerning employee and their family members.

  • Recruit and process employment applications, including verifying eligibility for employment, background checks, and onboarding
  • 设计和管理员工福利计划和项目,包括休假.
  • 维护人事记录并遵守记录保存要求
  • 与员工及其紧急联系人和计划受益人沟通.
  • Comply with applicable state and federal labor, employment, tax, benefits, workers’ compensation, disability, equal employment opportunity, workplace safety, and related laws.
  • 防止未经授权进入或使用公司财产, including its information systems, electronic devices, network, and data.
  • 确保员工的工作效率并遵守公司的政策.
  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of the Company policy.
  • Evaluate and provide useful feedback about job performance, facilitate better working relationships, and for employee professional development
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents.

Non-public education information, such as education records, degrees and vocational certifications obtained, report cards, and transcripts.

  • Evaluate an individual’s appropriateness for hire, or promotion or transfer to a new position at the Company


  • Engage in human capital analytics, 包括确定个人和工作成功之间的关系, analyze data to improve retention and productivity, 分析员工的偏好,为人力资源政策和程序提供信息
  • 对申请人进行背景调查,以协助招聘决定


个人敏感信息是由特定信息类别组成的个人信息的子类型. 我们可能会收集或使用属于下表所列敏感个人信息类别的信息.



Sensitive Personal Information Category

Business Purpose

Government identifiers, such as your Social Security number, driver’s license, state identification card, and passport and visa information, and immigration status and documentation.

  • Recruit and process employment applications, 包括核实就业资格,进行背景和相关调查
  • 处理和管理工资和员工福利计划,包括登记和索赔处理
  • 维护人事记录并遵守记录保存要求
  • 为员工提供人力资源管理服务和员工数据维护与支持服务
  • 与员工及其紧急联系人和计划受益人沟通
  • Comply with applicable state and federal labor, employment, tax benefits, workers’ compensation, disability, equal employment opportunity, workplace safety, and related laws
  • Prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Company property, including information systems, electronic devices, network, and data
  • 响应执法要求,并根据适用法律或法院命令的要求

Complete account access credentials, such as user names, account numbers, 或卡号与所需的访问/安全代码或密码相结合.

  • Recruit and process employment applications, 包括核实就业资格,进行背景和相关调查.
  • 为员工提供人力资源管理服务和员工数据维护与支持服务
  • 防止未经授权访问或使用公司信息系统, electronic devices, network, and data

Precise geolocation, such as physical access to a Company office location, or the location of a delivery, sales, or other employee in the field.

  • Improve safety of employees, customers, 以及公众使用公司财产和设备的情况
  • 防止未经授权的访问、使用或丢失公司财产
  • Improve efficiency, logistics, and supply chain management
  • 确保员工的生产力并遵守公司的政策
  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of the Company’s policy
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents

Racial or ethnic origin.

  • 遵守联邦和州平等就业机会法
  • 设计、实施和推广公司的多元化和包容性项目
  • Perform workforce analytics, data analytics, and benchmarking
  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of Company policy

Religious or philosophical beliefs.

  • 检讨及处理宗教人士的合理住宿要求
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents


  • Conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of the Company policy
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents

Genetic data.

  • Investigate and process workers’ compensation claims
  • Process health insurance claims
  • Conduct and process employment testing

Unique identifying biometric information.

  • 在初次录用后采集指纹以进行犯罪背景调查. Criminal background checks protect the company, mitigate risk, and avoid potential negligent hiring lawsuits.
  • 行使或维护公司及其员工的合法权利, and affiliates, customers, contractors, and agents

Health information,包括工作限制和工作场所疾病和伤害信息.

  • Investigate and process workers’ compensation claims
  • Process health insurance claims
  • Conduct and process employment testing
  • 确保同性配偶平等享有退休计划和生育计划
  • 确保为变性手术提供平等的家庭假政策和保险

Sex life or sexual orientation information.

  • Process health insurance claims
  • 确保同性配偶平等享有退休计划和生育计划
  • 确保为变性手术提供平等的家庭假政策和保险








Your Consumer Rights and Choices

Subject to certain limitations, 您有权(1)要求了解我们收集的个人信息的类别和具体信息, use, disclose, and to access your information, (2) request deletion of your Personal Information, (3) request correction of your Personal Information, (4) not be discriminated against for exercising these rights, and (5) limit processing of Sensitive Personal Information.


Access Request Rights

您有权要求公司向您披露我们在过去十二(12)个月内收集和使用您的个人信息的某些信息. 一旦我们收到并确认您的可验证的消费者请求(参见行使您的权利), we will disclose to you:

  • The categories of Personal Information we collected about you.
  • 我们收集的有关您的个人信息的来源类别.
  • 我们收集个人信息的业务或商业目的.
  • 我们向其披露个人信息的第三方类别.
  • 我们收集的十大彩票网赌平台您的特定个人信息.
  • 如果我们出于商业目的披露您的个人信息, 列出每一类收件人所获得的个人信息类别.


Deletion Request Rights

您有权要求本公司删除我们向您收集并保留的任何您的个人信息, subject to certain exceptions. 一旦我们收到并确认您的可验证的消费者请求(参见行使您的权利), we will delete your Personal Information from our records, unless an exception applies.

We may deny your deletion request under certain circumstances, and will inform you of the basis for the denial, which may include, but is not limited to, 如果我们或我们的服务提供商有必要保留这些信息,以便:

  • 完成我们为之收集个人信息的交易, provide a good or service that you requested, 在我们与您的持续业务关系中采取合理预期的行动, or otherwise perform our contract with you.
  • Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities.
  • 根据您与我们的关系,仅启用符合消费者期望的内部使用.
  • Comply with a legal obligation.


Right to Correction

您有权更正我们保留的不准确的个人信息. 一旦我们收到并确认您的可验证的消费者请求(参见行使您的权利), 我们将从我们的记录中更正(并指示我们的服务提供商更正)您不准确的个人信息, unless an exception applies.


Right to Limit Processing of Sensitive Personal Information

您有权限制我们对敏感个人信息的处理,仅用于执行请求此类服务的普通消费者合理期望的服务所必需的使用, 包括处理雇佣申请和管理与你的雇佣关系.  When we collect your Sensitive Personal Information, 我们收集和使用这些信息是为了提供您合理期望的所需服务.


Exercising Your Rights

To exercise the access, data portability, correction, and deletion rights described above, 以及要求我们限制处理您的敏感个人信息, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by either:

Only you, 或在加州州务卿处注册的,您授权代表您行事的人, 可以对您的个人信息提出可验证的消费者请求.

在12个月内,您只能向可验证的消费者提出两次访问或数据可移植性请求. The verifiable consumer request must:

  • 提供足够的信息,使我们能够合理地验证您是我们收集个人信息的人或授权代表.
  • 请详细描述您的要求,以便我们正确理解, evaluate, and respond to it.


提出可验证的消费者请求不需要您在我们这里创建帐户. 我们只会使用可验证的消费者请求中提供的个人信息来验证请求者的身份或提出请求的权限.


Response Timing and Format

我们努力在收到可核实的消费者请求后的四十五(45)天内对其作出回应. 如果我们需要更多的时间,我们会书面通知你的理由和延长期限.


我们提供的任何披露将仅涵盖可验证的消费者请求收到之前的12个月期间. 如适用,我们所提供的回复亦会解释我们无法遵从要求的原因.

If we determine that the request warrants a fee, 在完成您的请求之前,我们将告诉您我们做出该决定的原因,并为您提供成本估算. 


Changes To Our Job Applicant and Employee Privacy Notice

我们保留随时修改本隐私声明的权利. When we make changes to this privacy notice, 我们将在网站和员工手册上发布最新通知. 如果您有任何问题或希望以另一种格式访问此策略, please contact Human Resources.


Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.

If you have any questions about this Notice or want to access, delete, or correct your information, please email us at to submit your question or request.

You can also write to us at:
Venus Laboratories, Inc., dba Earth Friendly Products
Legal Department
11150 Hope St.
Cypress, CA 90630


EFFECTIVE: January 1, 2023