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ECOS offers eco-conscious cleaning products made with safer ingredients. We manufacture products in 100% renewable energy-powered facilities in the United States using plant-powered ingredients. Browse our plant-powered cleaning products today, including laundry and dishwashing products, household cleaners, hand soaps, pet care products, 和更多的.
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ECOS helps create safer homes using safer ingredients
Van Vlahakis founded ECOS in 1967 on the belief that everyone has the right to a healthy home. Inspired by his Greek heritage and background in chemistry, Van developed plant-powered formulas for safer, more sustainable cleaning products. 今天, ECOS products are made without dyes, formaldehyde, 苯甲酸脂类, phosphates, phthalates, pearlizers, optical brighteners, or animal by-products. From the laundry room to the kitchen to the nursery, ECOS helps create safer homes using safer ingredients.